Sunday, November 4, 2007

MAMBO! (what's up!)

Well, it has been hard to get internet lately because I am still getting to know my way around Mombasa and where things are located. I guess I don't have to say that it is very different.... well I'm going to say it anyway... IT IS SO DIFFERENT HERE!!!! Okay, just needed to get that out of my system. Well... first I had orientation which was a blast! There are 7 interns total and we all get along really well. During orientation, we had language classes, workshops, a city scavenger hunt to get to know the place, and other activities. We stayed at a hotel that was pretty nice and the food was good. I am vegetarian so my options are limited, but I still eat well. I did have some fish stew... which was questionable.
I ended up getting the flu and going to a Kenyan doctor. I was nervous, but I was taken to a realiable place. The doctor gave me some medicine and in a few days I was feeling better. Then a couple days after we went to the beach and an intern fractured his wrist playing football! So 2 of us have seen the doctor so far.
I moved in with my host-family a couple days ago and they are super nice. The house is bigger than I thought. There is a large living room and my bedroom is nice. I sleep in a mosquito net every night and wear lots of repelent. There is a host-Mama, and 3 kids. There are also kids next door that visit. The kids are crazy haha. Mama Mary heats up water for me and puts it in a bucket so I have warm "showers" (I use buckets for showers) which means SO much to me. They have a western toilet which is a PLUS! It has been really challenging to live with a family that is not my own and be surrounded by unfamiliar things and people, but I am adjusting and hopefully will feel comfortable soon.
Right now I am in town on a break with the interns. We are in a place that we go to get away. There is a coffee shop, Dorman's which is like Starbucks, so it is nice to bring back our sanity. So until next time... "Kwa Heri!" (Bye!) -Julia


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Julia, for the update - it doesn't sound as primitive as I had imagined; I wasn't sure what your living conditions were going to be like, but thankfully, they sound doable. I'm sorry you got the flu - that can be horrible - I got my flu shot yesterday so hope that takes; however, I did get a flu shot last year and still got the flu. Anyway, what did the doctor give you - I didn't think there was anything you could take for the flu, except plenty of rest and drinking water. I'm glad you're feeling better. It sounds like there are a lot of bugs there - with the mosquito net you have to use at night. I loved reading your update - keep them coming, when you have time.


Anonymous said...

Good to see that you made it safely to Africa.

In case you're missing California, here are at least 2 things you're NOT missing out on: (1) Writers' Guild of America went on strike meaning there's been nothing but re-runs on tv and (2) Britney Spears' new album.

Anonymous said...

julia!! so glad that you made it! you are going to have an amazing time, and i am so proud of are going to change so many lives! while i on the other hand am just chillin' on it in l.a. making trashy reality tv, since the wga has screwed all!! and you left at the perfect time...after tomorrow there will only be one more new episode of the office! no julia, michael, dwight, or toby??? what is a girl to do????

Anonymous said...

oh my god!! i totally take bucket showers whenever i'm in india!! They are always going through water shortages there and have to store the water in tanks when it is running (which happens for a couple of hours each day)!

Anyways Africa sounds like quite the adventure and I'm glad it's going well so far!