Friday, November 23, 2007

Close-Calls Kenya!!

I have to write about a day I had a very close call. So, Presilla (Camp David Receptionist), Sandra (other intern), and I wen't to visit a school to invite children to an upcoming Community Day where they are going to give out mattresses for Christmas. It started raining, as usual right after it had been excruciatingly hot and sunny just seconds before. We were returning to Camp David and Presilla took us through a short cut. It was a narrow alley, but looked safe. As we chatted we heard barking dogs coming near. We were almost at the end of the alley when suddenly a GIANT, CHARGING BULL with a PACK OF MAD DOGS turned the corner and were running right towards us, just a few seconds away. This bull was running for its life with its head down, horns pointing ahead. We were all stunned and didn't know where to run. We literally had 3 seconds to act. Directly to the left of us was a building wall and a few inches to the right was a waist high intensely barbed fence dividing the already narrow alley into 2. We couldnt tell which side of the fence the bull was going to go as it twisted and turned in a frenzy... all I remember is scrambling around and suddenly we were all on the other side of the fence looking down the alley at the bull running and the dogs dispersing. In a daze I asked Presilla whether the dogs were chasing the bull or the bull chasing the dogs. She said the dogs were chasing the bull and when she looked back she saw me and Sandra jumping over the fence at the very last second! (good thing I was good at hurdles in middle school)! Afterwards, we all just laughed uncontrollably because we were in such shock at we had just happened in a matter of seconds. When escaping the charging bull, all I could think of was what it would feel like when the bull hit me and whether I could avoid the horns. I realized that if I had worn one of my long skirts, I would definitely be entangled in the fence or the bull, but I decided to wear my one pair of pants that I had worn only once before. Thankfully, no one even had a scratch! The walk back was a wobbly one as all our knees were so weak and I felt like a noodle. I learned that bulls and dogs are not my friends here. Later that day a confused baby cow and a heard of goats frightened the begeezes outta me as they ran innocently passed me. Close-calls Kenya.
I've actually realized that using the same common sense as I would back in the States is good enough to keep me out of trouble. I wouldn't walk around alone at night in most parts of LA either! The first week, a boy with a razorblade tried to cut my bag to get the "goodies" inside (all I had were my roll of toilet paper, purell, cheap sunglasses, and a book). He did not succeed because of my durable Jansport backpack that has lasted me since 7th grade! Booya! In yo face! So now I walk with my bag in front of me. It's just a constant learning process! =) whew


Anonymous said...

JULIA!!! Good instincts! Like you always say..."what doesnt kill you makes you stronger!" You must be really strong now!!

- your sister

Anonymous said...

and julia. no more close calls please!

Kel said...

all those years of trying to evade creepers in iv and downtown has finally paid off!! but yeah, let's try to avoid more of these close calls, mmmmk? ;)