Sunday, August 12, 2007


WHOA, my first blog ever, how exciting. Well, I will be in Mombasa, Kenya in a couple months. CRAZY! (read below for more details on my project). It was such a hard decision to make, but I am really glad because I know it is something I really want to do and right now is the perfect time for me to go... except that I will miss Season 4 of The Office! So, I am going to try to make my blogs interesting and not ramble about things no one cares about ...too late. Wait! When I am in Kenya, my blogs will be oh so good, you'll be anxiously awaiting them like you did for the 6th Harry Potter book (or was it 7th?) and NOT like the played-out coverage on pretty pop stars gone bad. UMMM YA. Well, I guess that's it for now! Talk to you soon!

To find out MORE about what I will be doing, scroll down under My Project.

If you are here to make a donation, directions are at the bottom =)